

**make sure no one fighting in ur save. you must reset map after upgraded**

**hurted my back since 2023 dec, and get serious during moving, and it effected to my work. i need some break and slow down abit for a while.**

-*core, all battle system state add/remove from array to hash. (this may create new bugs)

-*added, immune_tgt_states,immune_tgt_state_type arrays tag for npc and player, this will block state effect from battle system.

-*fixed, TrueDeepone lona now will immune all Basic STD.

-*fixed, most abomination now immune all their parasite.

-*fixed, u can pick up most enemy NPC baby if its stunned, unless its blocked by map design.

-*fixed, all baby meat source nerfed from 21 to 4. player babys got 10~6

-*buggy, remove cocona dress RNG on UniqueEvent_CoconaVag.(RECroom usage still remain RNG)

-*buggy, storage menu with shift+mouse left click should clicked item only.


LonaRPG.Latest 432 MB
Version B. 47 days ago
LonaRPG.PrevStable 432 MB
Version B. 47 days ago
LonaRPG.UnstableDEV 443 MB
Version 2024-07-30_06-23-56 48 days ago
RoomLinks.zip 62 bytes
Version 147 47 days ago
ModsSample .zip 2.3 MB
Version B. 47 days ago

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