

-*buggy, all pose1 lower equip hair dirts with wrong copy paste part name.

-*buggy, actor's portrait part_key_blacklist now based on opacity like CHS, to avoid failed to block layers when switch poses.

-*buggy, trade CommonNoerDockWorker and PirateBaneInnCompHumanSpear cause a crash by typo.

-*buggy, fix a bug when drop a item from item menu, use any item will force menu terminate by common event.

-*fixed, shift + drop item now will drop max 5 items

-*fixed, add 1 more autosave slot. title screen will always load newest one.

-*added, GasMask. temporary selling by elise after some quest progress.


-*buggy, Lisa bomb vandor typo cause a crash.

-*buggy, fixed all suck HumanPenis events penis XY.

-*buggy, added a additional portrait key clearn when switch maps.

-*buggy, cannot_trigger_madness is merged with cannot_trigger and fix parallax overevents dialog popup with wrong dialog lines.


*** yeap nothing cool. mostly mod API&core fix, dont have noticable gameplay changes ***

*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***

-*fixed, allowed to load mails from a mod. ex:$mail_text.load_file_and_create_list("asd/")

-*core, all array based manual_trade is removed from game, to a hash based manual_barters.(also add slave dresses to resonable vandors)

-*core, reward_item_to_storage now full string.

-*fixed, equip UI now with a protector blocker to bondage equips. only equip it when player spam clicks.

-*fixed, a actor.banned_receiver_holename verb to block spec sex slot, only effect to common&prostituation sex event. applyed to ItemBucketHelmet.

-*added, a basic linux launcher. req "proton experimental" or "wine".(thanks Lenderian)


LonaRPG.Latest 835 MB
Version B. 37 days ago
LonaRPG.UnstableDEV 628 MB
Version 2025-01-30_11-17-33 39 days ago
RoomLinks.zip 44 bytes
Version 178 37 days ago
ModsSample .zip 5.2 MB
Version B. 37 days ago

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