

*** IRS horror edition, reset map b4 you play from old save ***

-*buggy, mood core, isWithinStaRange and isWithinMoodRange now with a protect code to check if mood stats out range.

-*buggy, since combo_skill move_route ID is renamed, if player kite OrkindWarboss, dude will stuck in defence stance forever.

-*buggy, when warboss killed by pillers, and successed to aggro a follower, game crash with follower cannot find target.

-*buggy, fixed all F0 skills cause double hit again because hit_cancel_mode applied another hit.

-*buggy, fixed darkpod meat calculate failed when there are different type of meats.

-*buggy, lona should not rise her arousal when with FeelsSick state?!(WUT)

-*buggy, mouse left click on number input window cause a crash.

-*buggy, mouse right click on number input window within anywhere outsude input window should exit.

-*buggy, NFL_OrkCamp2, should not trigger Doggy while its get rape by Orc.

-*buggy, fixed BasicNunHeal should not heal wounds without SaintFieldSupporter trait.

-*buggy, basicNeed now wont remove Lona's key item equips like her hands.

-*buggy, all equip remove from events now with a removetable check.(so she dont strip bondage when bath)

-*buggy, fix medicine_HerbHi sat regen to sta. medicine_HiPotionLV5 sta regen from 60 to 100.

-*buggy, remove "Asdasdas" test code from NFL_MerCamp_RaidWaveEnd.rb

-*added, DarkPot recipes, JunkFood, MeatSalad, JunkFood now increase mood.

-*added, part_key_blacklist to json. to block spec part_key from equip or state.

-*added, ACH DefeatSpawnPoolWithoutDedOne.

-*added, skill tags now with race_skip, rape_only tags. will force to no damage if condition match.

-*fixed, NoerBackStreet rebuild all rapeloop events.

-*fixed, NoerBackStreet now wont trigger rapeloop if lona just WORK as whore but not as empolyee on backstreet.(but loan stay)

-*fixed, NoerBackStreet unique characters will get replacement when they are dead. and debt continue works after that.

-*fixed, world map now with GangDebtCollet npc when player debt is too high.

-*fixed, NPC Anomally search now will try to stand in range 1 if TGT.xy tile is not passable.

-*fixed, Command_BreakBondage now cause RapeLoopTorture if player under RapeLoop

-*fixed, low down RecQuestAriseVillageApe quest diffcult(level design). and ape now allowed into sneak stance.

-*buggy, common prostitution EVs get weird cuming slot when started from handjob to otherjob.

-*fixed, missile now wont ignore is_tiny npc, effect replaced to ignore_projectile tag. and only apply to WildAnimalRattus for now.

-*fixed, new state DeeponeHurk to repleace StomachSpasm when switch between TrueDeepone to PreDeepone

-*buggy, mouse click item in Menu_Equips, item_menu didint refresh_info.

-*buggy, reset_fapper_status now wont effect to npc in eventSexMode.

-*core, npc now with stat hash like lona.(more possible for future design)

-*fixed, all STD_Basic states now *0.6 sta to Abomination NPCs(temp, to test new core functions)

-*fixed, BroadSwordNormal launch_max form 190 to 430, and will apply Dizzy and stun if u hold too long.

-*fixed, state and equip effects json now with "hom_mode" tag can make effect only update in handle_on_move.


LonaRPG.UnstableDEV 649 MB
Version 2024-09-30_19-28-00 Sep 30, 2024
RoomLinks.zip 44 bytes
Version 156 Sep 30, 2024
ModsSample .zip 5.2 MB
Version B. Sep 30, 2024

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