

*** Save location for gamelona.ini and saves are now moved to /UserData/ folder. ***

*** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. ***

-*added, BucketHelmet, as RecQuestNorthFL_Main quest reward.(buy from NorthFL_Dock)

-*added, Cache options in GameLona.ini(dont do anything to it if u dont know what u doing)

-*fixed, remove hom_mode tag on state&equip json. and check attr_type == "current" for replacement.

-*fixed, FireStaffNormal. add a function after launch. if player press normal_skill button again it will self destruct.

-*fixed, FireStaffNormal. alt skill when not fully charged, with jumpback effect, 15F Dodge, 1 more sta cost. and fix full charged SE and EFX.

-*fixed, TeslaStaffNormal. launch_since from 30+24 to 10, launch_max from 190 to 430, sta cost from 3 to 2 and -0.5 each channeling launch.

-*fixed, WaterStaffNormal. now with 3 charge level. each got different max range,damage,speed.

-*fixed, WaterBookControl. Tornado konckback direction now stable and based on Lona's direction. cost from 1 to 5.

-*fixed, WaterBookheavy. Nova now hit twice, sta cost from 3 to 1+2+2.

-*fixed, chcg_basic_frame_mouth batch arousal rise by state and trait decresed 50%

-*fixed, Nymph Personality now increase will *1.3(so she suffer less from overevents)

-*fixed, merge last RUS fans translate.

-*fixed, new verb @forced_move_type_return_off for events. for spec level design needed.(first applyed to NoerArena warriors)

-*buggy, when ignite effect ends, theres a chance remain a light source on ground.(rewrite fadeout_delete, zoomout_delete)

-*buggy, NFL_OrkCamp2_RG38 cut scene sometime SlaveMaster stucked by events(mostly Orkind Baby)

-*buggy, fix all portrait file missing and file name typo.(alot)

-*buggy, @no_aggro+stunable NPC & ChainMaceNormalT1 skill sap stun lock bugs.

-*buggy, eventSexMode and story_mode_sex cause weird animation when fucker npc unset_chs_sex to a non npc reciver by attacks.

-*buggy, SaveFile screen wont update its preview screenshot unless return title(with a new cache "cache_savefile_bitmap" to fix it).

-*buggy, Lona's hole first time record from string to array to save flag itself.(will reset to virgin)

-*mods, when loading extra modded icons with basic NHC skills cause a crash in trait menu & skill menu.

-*mods, fix a crit bug event init failed when loading extra maps from mod API. and change the way to load extra maps(demo2)

-*mods, add a new way to hack all event graphics in a mod.(demo2)

-*mods, Ingame mod manager, this is NOT ULTRA_MOD_MANAGER it just his UI based on original structure.(UI by UltraRev, TEST, BETA)

-*core, GameLona.ini GameMods.ini and Sav*.rvdata2 now moved to /UserData/, and will auto gen folders if not exist.


LonaRPG.Latest 448 MB
Version B. 82 days ago
LonaRPG.PrevStable 445 MB
Version B. 82 days ago
LonaRPG.UnstableDEV 458 MB
Version 2024-10-31_20-50-35 82 days ago
RoomLinks.zip 44 bytes
Version 159 82 days ago
ModsSample .zip 5.2 MB
Version B. 82 days ago

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