

** all sex record renamed, mean ur lona will back to virgin after this release**

-*added, rebirth UI now with options to choose to keep level,bank,sex record.

-*fixed, bank and storage like DarkPot now sort items like Lona's inventory and always sort Coins to top.

-*fixed, most story_stats sex record keys renamed.(will lost most ur sex record.)

-*fixed, cecily will aggro lona if she doing anything bad to grayrat.

-*buggy, PubicHairVag art key using melanin key?!

-*buggy, pose4_preg8m_equip_SlaveMid with wrong keys.

-*buggy, mouse click on equip_menu,ItemList, should not able to click index > 11.

-*buggy, rebuild Quick slot equip functions.(u wont feel any different, but less lines in code.)

-*buggy, AoeChannelSpdBuff now with no_interrupt tag.

-*buggy, Lona's BasicFuckerGrab now ignore targets without fucker slot.

-*buggy, UnqueCecily's sensor from "Eyes" to "Eyes_follower_cecily".(unable to target OBJs b4 this fix)

-*added, StomachSeedBed, ParasitedHookWorm, ParasitedPolypWorm, AbomPolypWorm,AbomCreatureMeatHookworm(data only)


LonaRPG.Latest 432 MB
Version B. 78 days ago
LonaRPG.UnstableDEV 443 MB
Version 2024-06-28_04-22-18 81 days ago
RoomLinks.zip 62 bytes
Version 139 78 days ago
ModsSample .zip 2.3 MB
Version B. 78 days ago

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