

*** make sure no one fighting in ur save, and reset the map, and enjoy new bugs.***

-fixed, npc KIA by a attacker and cause a chain aggro now ignore the npcs raping by attacker.

-fixed, Direction input delay from 4 to 6. in worldMap or Dash will set to 2.(DEV TEST)

-fixed, add a 1 sec delay in ini Loader.(test, less launch crash in toaster)

-added, mod api now support expend canvas size.

-added, Npc control mode sample(in warboss rapeloop)

-added, map:OrkindKeep1

-Core,  sex skills now with its own sensor.(test)

-Core,  when character in sex mode. Fucker now will moveto reciver's XY.(no more ghost fucker.(test)

-Core,  when attack a character in sex mode. each hit will only apply to characters without fucker_target.(test)

-Core,  when NPC sex attack characters in sex mode. will only hit its actor.target(test)

-Core,  when player sex attack characters in sex mode. will alwayss hit a target with supported slots.

-Core,  when NPC unset_sex in battle_sex mode as a fucker. they will randomly jump few tiles.

-Core,  when Lona's Grab skill hit characters in sex. now will always pick the fucker.


RoomLinks.zip 44 bytes
Version 52 Feb 28, 2023
LonaRPG.PrevStable 445 MB
Version B. Feb 27, 2023
Version B. Feb 28, 2023

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