demo now using 0550 core

demo now using 0550 core

contents not include DEMO count as NIL

-*fixed, All shield DEF got nerfed 1/2.(test)

-*fixed, All dressSets def is nerfed by 2.(test)

-*fixed, Lantern now dont offer DEF.(test)

-*fixed, NPC charge skills add "no_parry" effect.

-*fixed, ShieldControl(Parry) now will force attacker in range 2 into a short skill stun state.(test)

-*fixed, attacks without direction or explosion or come from top(ex:Rain Of Arrows and Cocona's Basic attack) now with "no_parry" tag.

-*fixed, most encounter action now only cost 2 sta(hide stay in 5)

-*fixed, some issue cause Penis layers stay in lona after common HEV.

-*fixed, ENG in DEMO gameplay scale now fully translated.

-*fixed, All noer tileset(road) from height 1 to 0(a bug older than 0100)

-*fixed, FishkindCave2 convoy quest: Npc bugged after u ask her to stay.

-*fixed, Saint Believer combat units: default morality from 5 to 50(its bug)

-*fixed, GaintBoar,Bobo: fixed their moving freq when using charge skills.

-*fixed, being whore to Belever and Follower in SaintMonastery now will +1 mora.

-*fixed, TutorialOP: NHC and SLEEP stay, removed all other skills.

-*fixed, WoundHead now decrease WIS, WoundChest decrease SUR.(may cause new bugs)

-*fixed, sneak mode now off when lona into sex mode.(even with improveSneak.)

-*fixed, Stucked issue when NPC is sex with another NPC and both get killed at same time.

-*fixed, WhipNormal: attack frame from 28 to 40.

-*fixed, Hell Mode ACH now fixed.

-*fixed, Front and Back follower now using pathfinding, and removed teleport when player too far(test).

-*fixed, all follower: will not follow master when master range is >17

-*fixed, default NPC aggro time now increase by game diffcult.

-*fixed, NoerCatacomb: during cocona's quest, after return to surface, StartPoint3(hole) cannot trigger.

-*fixed, FishkindCave3: seawitch now able to trigger quest during elise quest line.(cause by 0543)

-*fixed, AbomHive3: stucked in wall after break free from rapeloop.

-*fixed, SaintMonasteryB1: will rebuild steel door if player unlocked it.

-*fixed, FishTownT: during elise quest line.  if elise dead. fishBaby should not trigger Elise's dialog.

-*fixed, NoerTavern: cecily's disband command from EVERYONE to front and back slot only.

-*fixed, EndingSystem rebuild.

-*now can do rebirth after 20g ending.

-*rebirth after 20g ending will with another +1 trait point.

-*with Orkind, Fishkind, Lisa ending.

Files 222 MB
Jun 19, 2021

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