LonaRPG.Beta. -*buggy, all pose1 lower equip hair dirts with wrong copy paste part name. -*buggy, actor's portrait part_key_blacklist now based on opacit...
LonaRPG.Beta. *** DO NOT PLAY 0950. its fucked *** -*buggy, trade with npc will cause a crash after Napping. LonaRPG.Beta. *** Do a clean instal...
LonaRPG.Beta. *** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folder due to large filestructure change. *** -*core, merge UMM text loader code. (refen...
LonaRPG.Beta. *** Save location for gamelona.ini and saves are now moved to /UserData/ folder. *** *** Do a clean install of the entire game in new folde...
LonaRPG.Beta. *** IRS horror edition, reset map b4 you play from old save *** -*buggy, mood core, isWithinStaRange and isWithinMoodRange now with a prote...
0920 is fuckein focked, please update ur game. LonaRPG.Beta. -*buggy, a crit bug cause by deleted event's move_route. deleted event should not update i...
LonaRPG.Beta. -*buggy, Game_DestroyableObject NPC should not play any death animation. -*buggy, CollarTopExtra should not with chain step sound effect, t...